Another girl with stars in her eyes. But this one made it. Vikram Bhatt launched Adah Sharma in 1920. Then she got Hasee Toh Phasee. But it was with the Telugu debut in the tearjerker Heartattack, directed by Puri Jagannath, that she tasted stardom and became an overnight success in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Always a keen dancer, she learnt several dance forms including kathak, salsa, ballet and belly dancing. At a dance recital when in school, with Asha Parekh as the chief guest, Adah, too, wanted to be an actor. Seeing how good a dancer she was, the former’s manager advised her to do a ‘dance’ film. It is from there that her journey to filmdom started and she began to look at films as a career. Photo shoots, modelling assignments and numerous rejections later, she landed a role in Bhatt’s thriller after many rounds of auditioning. And now, she’s finally doing a full-fledged dance film opposite Prabhu Deva in Tamil.
Apart from dance, she’s an ace at martial arts; she had to train hard for Commando 2. “I cannot ensure your safety,” she quips when one mentions safety to her. “I’m rather adept, skilled at doing the needful when required. However, I only make love…not war:).” Additionally, she had to hone her communication skills to show attitude in the role she essayed. It seems a lot in a short span of time. But wait, there’s more, she adds: “I can fly when no one’s looking:) no one knows that yet (she winks).”
SEXINESS IS NOT JUST ABOUT BEING NAKED… I cannot stress that enough… I mean, being naked is great… naked has nothing to do with being sexy.
Working in three of the biggest film industries of the country – Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, she learned to slip into the persona required according to the way of working in each one. Alternating between funny and serious, she admits, “If the director is awesome you enjoy the film. Sometimes, I have been stuck with a terrible, negative, evil director…but that’s been rare.”

Adah endorses PETA and no surprise that she gets pissed off with, “Humans who are mean to people who serve them. Humans who dislike animals.” Strong words that reflect her preferences for the male of the human species, too. She’s very definite about what turns her off about men. “Fake accents… If he’s mimicking someone then I would love it, but if he speaks that way because he took a three-day trip overseas then *cringe*…
(Other than that) I’m all for freedom in clothing, but men in really tight fitted jeans, I find a little gross and them adjusting their area publicly (sic). I like some things left to my imagination.”
And in the same humorous vein, to get away from it all or to look for another career, she could consider “(joining) the circus or (becoming) a farmer, or both – part-time farmer by day, and moonlight as a trapeze artist :)”
I’m rather adept, skilled at doing the needful when required. However, I only make love…not war:).
And yet, she’s easy to please. When she’s checking out a guy, apart from seeing if he maintains eye contact, she’s actually checking “his butt!” Other than that it’s okay if he “(has) a great smile, (this) “does not entail having geometrically perfect teeth, (and he could) open with a funny line.” She’s not looking for high-funda dates; an ideal evening with friends would include watching movies together and sharing pizza or paani puri.

Upping the ante with a date might mean wearing a bikini in the snow (really!) and, yes, sharing a pizza! Additionally, it would be great if he has “good breath and a good smelling body, good grammar, impeccable sentence formation skills :)” for some action in the bedroom, she says, “actually all it takes for me to be turned on… he doesn’t have to do backflips.. but if he can, (it) would be great …when he’s at it then maybe throw in some handstands and somersaults as well!

In turn, she’s sporting about what she’d do for her boyfriend. “For my hypothetical boyfriend, I would hypothetically dress up in just a bow.”
She’s nonchalant about kinky sex. She shrugs it off with, “to each his own :)” But about her comfort level with BDSM, she says coyly, “I’d only feel comfortable with Jamie Dornan from Fifty Shades of Grey!”
If the director is awesome you enjoy the film. Sometimes, I have been stuck with a terrible, negative, evil director…but that’s been rare.
For all her great sense of humour and refusal to answer anything seriously, like the rest of the film industry in the entire country, Adah remains tight-lipped about the famous casting couch known worldwide as #Metoo. She isn’t able to laugh it off or come back with a witty retort. The silence in India is deafening. It would take just one person in the higher echelons of the star system to set the ball rolling, yet alas! All she can say is, “I think it’s just a matter of time.”
She’s nonchalant about kinky sex. She shrugs it off with “to each his own :)” But about her comfort level with BDSM, she says coyly, “I’d only feel comfortable with Jamie Dornan from Fifty Shades of Grey!